It means something is missing in the relationship. What’s missing is something he needs in order to feel fully alive as a man.
That missing thing is what I want to tell you about. It’s an obsession all men have. But they rarely talk about it unless they are a psychologist with a Ph.D. in masculinity and male psychological needs and drives. But once you know about it, it’s really easy to see how you can use it to your advantage.
When a man stops trying…it’s because he has no outlet for this “obsession”…or at least not in his relationship with you. As a result, your relationship begins to wither and die. But it’s not too late. Learn to open the floodgates for this obsession. Then it will cause his energy to flow into his relationship with you. After that, all you have to do is sit back and watch him work on making the relationship something beautiful he can feel proud of.
Guys love a good competition. In fact, men are wired to compete. Competitive games drive the social interaction of boys on the elementary school playground. When they grow up (…if they grow up) they throw their energy into work, physical fitness, acquiring man-toys, or adventures of various types.
What if you could channel all that energy toward the relationship he has with you?
You can. And the key is flipping a switch. A switch in his biological reaction system. A switch that causes him to see his relationship with you as the ultimate opportunity to prove himself as a man.
“If only I knew exactly what he wanted…” Have you ever found yourself thinking that?
It’s no coincidence that your thoughts turn in that direction. Because it’s the most direct route to getting something you deeply desire. The combination to unlock his heart and make it yours forever.
You see, all men share certain secret obsessions. These are things they can’t ask for directly because they operate at a deep level of the male psyche. Yet those obsessions provide a backdoor that allow someone with the right tool to hack in and steal the code.
Would that be useful to you?
Imagine holding the key to his unique combination of desires. The things that make his heart home with happiness. And imagine if you could align yourself with those desires. You would become the center of his world. The person who understands him best. The one he could never leave or forget.
It all becomes possible when you learn about his secret obsessions, the back door that can reveal his deepest needs and desires.